Wednesday, 2 April 2014

How to win an argument with woman ?

Girls... Please don’t read this. There’s nothing here for you to learn. Thank you very much.
Guys... As you know, arguing is a big part of being in a relationship. The main thing about an argument with your girl is that you never want to lose one.Losing an argument makes you look stupid.
Most of the arguments will arise from small issues like  not answering her phone calls last night or 2 second look you gave to another woman while dining with your girl.

Here are some hard won tips to win an argument with women.

  • Distract:If you smell an argument coming,just change the subject.Tell her about some random incident (which should be common to girls or your half dead)or compliment about her dress.She'll forget what she was talking about.
  • Puzzles :Solve the puzzle.Find the hidden meaning.She wants to hear it from you and never say u don't remember.I know you really don't , she might be angry about not replying her messages last night or might be about a random trip planned before 6 months.
  • Deny:You have to deny whatever may be the argument about.Women love to prove that you're lying and you might be ,but it doesn't matter.It's about what she can prove.If it is about you staring other woman.. deny it totally, even if she caught you red handed.Never try to explain that it was only for few seconds .. NEVER!
  • Make Stuff Up: Make up facts that support whatever your argument is. Fact is women are horrible fact checkers. Many won’t ever check the validity of your argument…even if she has a smart phone (see how easy that is).
  • Logic:Logic doesn’t win arguments.Logic wins debates.So abandon logic.If you are logical and if you make sense, you are bound to fail.
  • Tone :Speak in a harsh tone.Women are extremely sensitive to tone.Your tone makes the difference and she might get confuse and starts believing in what you say,even if it doesn't make sense.
  • Guilty:Women are the more guilty conscious than men.Make her feel guilty.Try to be innocent.Make her realize that she is thinking too much when there's nothing to be worried about.
  • Don't talk:Make her speechless and by that I mean to keep talking until she gives up arguing or better to remain silent if you want to finish this early.Silence is Gold !
  • Remember :Women always have the last word in argument.Anything you add after that it's the beginning to new argument.Then Go to Step 1.
  • Win ?:You Can’t Win! Of course.In a genuine argument,a tie is as good as a win.

Lastly , an argument with a woman is like reading a software license agreement. At the end we ignore everything 
and click 'I Agree'.

And this is called Apocalypse !
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sagar said...

Highly informative!

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