Monday, 9 June 2014

the Real You

" Don't change so people will like you. Be yourself and the right people will love the real you."

We spend our entire lives being told that 'it's what's inside that counts' and that who you are inside is the 'real you'.

I think this is complete and utter horseshit.

At best, the person you are 'inside' is the person you want to be. The way you act and the way you behave is the 'real you'.

To put this in an overly cynical way, the world is only interested in what it can get from you. It doesn't matter if you have the heart of a saint and the best intentions in the world if you never act on them.

Basically, if you act like a good, caring person, you are a good, caring person. If you act like an asshole, you're an asshole, plain and simple.

For example, let's say one of your co-workers gets a phone call that a family member has been in an accident and needs someone to cover so they can go to the hospital. If you volunteer to cover, that means you're pulling a 14 hour day.

Who is the real nice guy? The person who actually volunteers to stay, or the person who keeps quiet but is full of sympathy and feels really, really bad about not volunteering?

The person who kept quiet is sitting there thinking "If everyone knew how bad I feel about this, they'd know what a nice guy I am."... but the truth is, you're really not a nice guy... because when someone was really in need, you decided you'd rather go home at your regular time than work a few extra hours to help them out.

The nice guy is the guy pulling the extra 6 hours to help someone out. It's what you do, not what you think.

Basically, who you are inside is the fantasy, ideal version of yourself. The person who's always willing to help, the person who'll step up to defend a stranger...but if you don't act on it, it's a fantasy.

The 'real you' is the person you are, not the person you want to be. 

Sunday, 27 April 2014

I don't give a fck !

Foreigners coming to India always wonder about various(mostly stupid) things. Many often ask whether they'l see cows on Indian roads.
Seriously ???

 Yes, we have cows on roads not because cows are considered sacred. It’s because of a lack of giving-a-fuck.

So here is the truth about cows on the road and how it happens.
Consider a cow is in the middle of the road.

Car driving dude comes along :
'I see a cow standing in the middle of the road. If I stand in front of it and honk repeatedly it might get up and move to the side. This will clear the road for the other drivers also.
BUT… I’m in a hurry to get home.. all that porn won’t watch itself! I’ll just go around it, and besides I don't give a fuck.'

Traffic police guy :
'My cop senses tell me a cow has sat in the middle of the road. This might disrupt traffic. I should get the cow to move to the side of the road with all the other animals.
 BUT… I see the cars are managing quite well by driving around the cow, and besides these cow owners aren't going to bribe themselves, and turn a blind eye to the road-cow-fact. Hence, no fuck shall be given by me.'

Municipal Corporation guy :
'I see some cows standing on the road there. It’s my duty to hire some cow catchers and clear the roads, but the last time it happened, the animals rights people started foaming at their collective mouths. Besides the local politician started running around calling for a ban against cow slaughter, screaming Jai Hind, with his dick hanging out… even though the cows were being shifted to a shelter. AND.. since the traffic police guy is already there it’s HIS problem now.. Me? I don’t give a fuck.'

Foreigner visiting India to do good and save the poverty stricken :
'Oh, I see a cow is in the middle of the road there. I should probably get it to move, since it’s blocking the traffic, forcing cars to swerve past it. On top of that the traffic police and the muncipal corporation guy is not doing anything. It is only UP TO ME TO FIX THE PROBLEMS OF THIS COUNTRY.
BUT… the cow is considered sacred here. If you move it, it might offend people. Hence, I shall do nothing.
But take photos of it. For real! LOL and instagram won’t fill itself…'

The Cow thinking..
'Maybe i’m obstructing traffic.. but no one else seems to be bothered.. So i dont give a fuck… oh wait, dung is coming out.

 PLOP !. Ahhhh, amazing!' ( i know that feel bro )

Vegetable Vendor
'Ah. The cow. Such a gentle creature… gives us milk and cheese, and all it wants in return is love and…'

'WTF! It’s eating my beautiful veggies! WHY YOU LITTLE…'

!!!! ASS SLAP !!!!

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Wedding Invitation

Priyanka is checking her email. She saw a message from her friend Anita.She found an attachment in that message which was Anita's wedding invitation card.

             Dear All,

A Wedding is start of
Of walks in the rain, basking in
the sunshine, shared meals, and
sensing the love that a marriage

With God’s grace, and our parent’s
blessings, the day has come
when Sandeep & I are taking a step
forward to begin a wonderful
life together!

Please be there as we look into 
each other's eyes,hold hands and 
exchange vows to be there 
for each other forever

- Anita & Sandeep 

Priyanka was very happy for Anita and surprised too.So she decides to call Anita and congratulate her.

Phone rings.
'Hey Priyanka .. after a long time' 
'Hey Anita .. great news ! Congratulations ! You never told me you had a boyfriend... Good you're getting  married to someone you already know.'
'Boyfriend ? No, It's arranged marriage.' Anita corrected her.
Priyanka was shocked to hear that'What ?? What about all that everlasting crap then ?'
'It's a marriage invitation.What do you want me to say ?' said Anita puzzled.
'But but .. you can't send incorrect information on internet. Didn't you read 'Terms & Conditions' while signing up your email?. This is against law. Aren't you aware of the Section 66A of the Information Technology Act ? A girl was arrested in mumbai under this law just for posting some pics on facebook . Please do correct this  email ASAP and send again.' 
'Thank you Priya .. I'l never send misleading or incorrect information on internet again..', Anita hangs the phone in dilemma.

Later that day ...

Priyanka got new mail from Anita .

Dear All,You are invited to stuff yourself with free food, while i get married to the man my parents have chosen for me. He's from our own caste and gotra, because let's be fair, who wants to be honor killed by dad over this ?

In return for free food, and the chance of getting photographed with DSLR Cameras,please bring nice gifts. No flowers please, and if you're planning to gift an ironbox , food mixer or bedsheets ,then on the way to the venue,you can stuff them up your ass.

Please treat this email as a personal invitation from both of us.I didn't want to waste printed cards on college friends. I don't really expect, or want you to come . Goddamit, I have already tolerated you assholes for 4 years. I don't want to see your faces while i stand next to my unfamiliar husband with my face of golden metal, trying hard to smile through the congratulatory parade of strangers.

I'm emailing this to all my friends as an intimation of my marriage.So know now that I'm married and stopping hitting on me,pinging on facebook you miserable perverts.

- Anita

Names of distant relatives 
who don't really mean anything
but whine if you ignore them.
Also that greasy uncle who used 
to touch me inappropriately. 

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

How to win an argument with woman ?

Girls... Please don’t read this. There’s nothing here for you to learn. Thank you very much.
Guys... As you know, arguing is a big part of being in a relationship. The main thing about an argument with your girl is that you never want to lose one.Losing an argument makes you look stupid.
Most of the arguments will arise from small issues like  not answering her phone calls last night or 2 second look you gave to another woman while dining with your girl.

Here are some hard won tips to win an argument with women.

  • Distract:If you smell an argument coming,just change the subject.Tell her about some random incident (which should be common to girls or your half dead)or compliment about her dress.She'll forget what she was talking about.
  • Puzzles :Solve the puzzle.Find the hidden meaning.She wants to hear it from you and never say u don't remember.I know you really don't , she might be angry about not replying her messages last night or might be about a random trip planned before 6 months.
  • Deny:You have to deny whatever may be the argument about.Women love to prove that you're lying and you might be ,but it doesn't matter.It's about what she can prove.If it is about you staring other woman.. deny it totally, even if she caught you red handed.Never try to explain that it was only for few seconds .. NEVER!
  • Make Stuff Up: Make up facts that support whatever your argument is. Fact is women are horrible fact checkers. Many won’t ever check the validity of your argument…even if she has a smart phone (see how easy that is).
  • Logic:Logic doesn’t win arguments.Logic wins debates.So abandon logic.If you are logical and if you make sense, you are bound to fail.
  • Tone :Speak in a harsh tone.Women are extremely sensitive to tone.Your tone makes the difference and she might get confuse and starts believing in what you say,even if it doesn't make sense.
  • Guilty:Women are the more guilty conscious than men.Make her feel guilty.Try to be innocent.Make her realize that she is thinking too much when there's nothing to be worried about.
  • Don't talk:Make her speechless and by that I mean to keep talking until she gives up arguing or better to remain silent if you want to finish this early.Silence is Gold !
  • Remember :Women always have the last word in argument.Anything you add after that it's the beginning to new argument.Then Go to Step 1.
  • Win ?:You Can’t Win! Of course.In a genuine argument,a tie is as good as a win.

Lastly , an argument with a woman is like reading a software license agreement. At the end we ignore everything 
and click 'I Agree'.

And this is called Apocalypse !

Monday, 31 March 2014

Are you tired of making Short Films ?

             It's always difficult to create new stories and find actors and shoot a film with minimum resources.The final result may not always be as promising as you have expected .Are you tired of making short films which are uploaded in thousands daily on youtube.Do you want to make some new kind of videos and and amaze your friends.Then i suggest you guys to try Stop Motion animation videos,which is now new trend for students making short films.Stop-motion animation is a simple, imaginative, and fun type of filmmaking.In this blog I'l explain in detail how to make one.

Here is a Stop Motion made by me.This was my first attempt when i started clicking pictures randomly without a plan.

            You may feel,you don't know or do animations or you don't have required euipment and editing softwares.Any kind of video editing software will do the job. All you need is a camera(no need of DSLR) , a tripod(this is compulsory!) and that's it.Stop motion is kind of animation which is made only with photographs.If you have passion for photography then your job is done easily.Unlike shooting videos for short films, in stop motion you only have click photos(lots of photos,in thousands). Then you have to club them together in editing software in different frame per seconds(fps) as per required to the kind of the video you need,add some background music and there your video is done! .Don't get too carried away by reading fps.. I'l explain about it later in this post.
            People who have never made any short films and planning to do one , this will be very easy for you guys to take off for your passion.Believe me....... I made many stop motion videos which helped me to reach out more number of people and even got few offers to make some videos in my college.The most important three things needed for making a stop motion video is PATIENCE! PATIENCE! PATIENCE !.

Here are some making pictures of the above video.

Remember that you have to click some thousands of pictures which might take your whole day.You shoot one still frame, move the characters slightly, then shoot another -- then repeat thousands of times to make a little animation. While each individual frame may not be so tough, the overall effort is massive, and it shows. There's something about stop motion that just makes you say, "Wow -- that's real!"

And these things happen when people get fed up doing the same pose for hours !!! .

            First, you’ll need an idea for your own stop motion video. Keep it simple and short the first time out. You will need about 10 photographs for each second of finished video. It is more important to complete a couple of simple projects than it is to attempt to reach too far. You might start by making an object do seemingly impossible things. Perhaps a small ball that, with the unseen help of rubber glue, clear fishing line, or double-sided tape, appears to defy gravity by climbing walls, moving across ceilings and more. Or a person who appears to “skate” through a large yard or room. After you’ve planned the shots, get your digital camera and tripod. You can choose a low resolution setting on the camera since these photos will not be printed on paper. Depending on the size of your memory card, you may need to fill the card, then transfer all photos to the computer, delete the images on the card, then fill the card again until you have all the photos you need on the computer.Your computer will need video editing software such as Sony Vegas Movie Studio, Apple’s iMovie or any video editing program you have.
              If you choose to film a small ball, set up your tripod and aim the camera at the first position of the ball. Take a shot as a still photo, not a movie mode. Don’t move the camera, but move the ball to the next position, perhaps six inches from the start. Use this same distance in subsequent shots to make it appear the ball is moving at a constant speed. Continue making individual shots until the ball is out of frame. This will appear that the ball is moving through your frame.
You could also move the camera and the ball together so the ball stays in the same relative position in the camera frame. This will appear that the camera and ball are moving together. This is called a tracking or dolly shot. There are many possibilities for the movement of subject (the ball) and camera.
If you make a mistake, you can simply delete that photo and shoot another one to replace it. Deleting mistakes as you go will save work in the editing phase, but be careful not to delete a good frame. Keep the photos in the proper order in which you want them to play.Check your camera manual to learn how to transfer your photos to the computer. Make a new directory or folder for all the photos. Using your video editing software, move the photos into a new movie using the image sequencer function. Choose a frame rate, then play your movie.
               In some editing programs you can specify how long each photos should appear. In Sony Vegas this is 5 seconds by default, but that is much too long. You will want each photo to appear for only a fraction of a second. This is what makes it a movie rather than a slideshow. The timing you choose will determine the pace of your video as well as how long it will run.
Video normally plays at 30 frames a second. So if you set each photos to play for three frames, (.33 seconds each) that means the viewer will see 10 photos every second. So to produce a 1 minute video, you will need 600 photos! (10 times 60) At this rate a 90-minute feature film would require 54,000 photos, but they would generally want a high resolution. Let’s say they wanted 15 frames per second. 15 x 60 x 90 = 81,000 photos. So keeping your stop motion projects simple and short is a good place to start.Save your project often using different file names e.g. Animated Ball1, Animated Ball2, etc. This will protect you in case of a computer crash, power failure, or electrical storm. You can later delete the unnecessary files. Experiment with different kinds of music and sound effects. Music will make an enormous difference in the final film. You can also experiment with the playback rate. All video will ultimately be played at 30 frames a second so changing the play back rate will involve a couple of steps of rendering the video.
              If your a good artist or you have a friend who is one then you can also try white board animation which is done by same technique.This is my first white board animation and my friends could not believe that it was made with photographs.

Producing good stop motion video requires patience and planning.

Happy clicking!!!

Sunday, 30 March 2014


We come to know about the term 'celebrities' after certain age because we don't often see them when we are too young.But my case was totally different.Studying in The Hyderabad Public School makes you aware of them from the very first standard.The guy sitting beside you might be son of a south superstar or the girl with whom your paired for singing might be daughter of Indian cricket team player.For every sports day or annual day we happen to see great personalities most of them who are our alumni.Yes, from Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Kiran Kumar Reddy to Cricket commentator Harsha Bhogle ,many great celebrities have grown up from this place.This made me think more rational to my future.I've decided to do something which makes me stand apart from crowd.Initially writing stories became my passion and after joining in college i started making Short Films. Extra curricular activities were always given more importance than academics in HPS.This is the reason why most of the alumni are LEADERS in their profession.This is again proved by Satya Nadella who is now CEO of Microsoft.Below is a intro video of HPS.Sorry for the quality.. it was made by my seniors 8 years ago !

When people talk about their schools, many words are used to describe it. Journey, experience, memories. I have just one word to describe my alma mater. Life. Because that is where I learnt to live.11 years is not a short time( i did +1 in my school before i left for IIT coaching), especially when those 11 years are considered the most formative ones in a student’s life. Fortunately for me, I spent eleven of those years in The Hyderabad Public School Begumpet, my school, my life.I still remember each and every thing about school just as if I’ve been there only yesterday, although it’s been almost 5 years now since I’ve left it. The beautiful campus, the jungle, the huge playgrounds(yeah really very huge ), the corridors, the classrooms, the park, the school bus trips. Lots of memories come rushing at me all at once. Wow!! There’s such an amazing lot that my school given me.Wherever I am today, whatever I am, my school has helped me get here, be it the support of my amazing teachers, or the simply terrific friends that I’ve made in school. A part of me will always lie in the school, maybe in the corridors gossiping with my friends; in the classrooms, trying to pay attention to boring classes; in the assembly ground, singing the prayer song, still helplessly out-of-tune;trying to eat more than my friends in dinning hall during lunch breaks, in the playground, trying to shirk away from doing any physical exercise; maybe in the staff rooms and princi’s room where I’ve spent a few not-too-good moments; the Rock-Gardens, where we’ve spent so many free periods; the library, the shrine that made me the book-lover I am. These are just a few memories of the amazing life that I have lived in H.P.S, where I learnt so many things, the good way and the hard way. Where I met the angels I call friends.I am what i am today due to HPS which taught me passion is more important.
Now I know what Bryan Adams was talking about when he sang “ those were the best days of my life”.
Watch this awesome video made  my senior by Tharun Bhaskcer who is now turning out to be another celebrity :-)

1st of the many

I would watch movies almost daily and enjoy them a lot. I don't really care how much the latest superhero film took at the box office, although I'd probably know if you asked me. When I watch a film the main thing I am looking for is a good screenplay. I like it when I look up at the big screen and can see a part of me staring back at me. More than anything, I am still looking for Martin Scorsese and Quentin Tarantino and Christopher Nolan in every film I see.


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